Odin past

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Odin past is improved version of Odin temple, which could be accessed from Hugel.

Recommended for

  • Soutane farming. Soutane is a type of armor that can boost your damage. Newbie can farm here. They're weaker than Rift monsters.

How to get there

Odin past is accessible through the NPC at the center of Odin temple 3rd floor.

Copy and type this in the game if you need navigation : /navi odin_tem03 283/236

Minimap odinpast.jpgWarp odinpast.jpg

Item enchants

Equipments from Odin past can be enchanted at Hugel weapon store 2nd floor.

Warp Hugelweaponshop.png

List of available enchants (Soutane)

Powerful enchants 2nd slots (Soutane only)
Fighting Spirit 9 Atk + 30 Hit + 5
Fighting Spirit 10 Atk + 50 Hit + 15
Spell 9 Matk + 30 Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 10%.
Spell 10 Matk + 50 Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 20%.
Expert Archer 9 Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 18%.
Expert Archer 10 Aspd + 1 Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 20%.
Sharp 4 Hit + 5 Crit + 14%
Sharp 5 Hit + 6 Crit + 15%
Acute Lv. 1 Crit + 3 Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
SP +150 Max SP + 150
Adamantine Lv. 1 Max HP + 5% Def + 15
Adamantine Lv. 2 Max HP + 10% Def + 30
Adamantine Lv. 3 Max HP + 15% Def + 45
Blessings STR, AGI, VIT, INT, DEX, LUK blessings

with synergy option if blessing and soutane is pair (for example STR blessing to STR soutane)

Powerful enchants 2nd slots (Clergy boots, Clergy manteau only)
SP +100 Max SP + 100
SP +150 Max SP + 150
Acute Lv. 1 Crit + 3 Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
Sharp 4 Hit + 5 Crit + 14%
Fighting Spirit 9 Atk + 30 Hit + 5
Expert Archer 9 Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 18%.
Spell 9 Matk + 30 Reduces the variable casting time of skills by 10%.
Adamantine Lv. 1 Max HP + 5% Def + 15

List of available enchants (Clergy manteau)

List of available enchants (Clergy shoes)

Dungeon drops