Some payday lenders may offer installment loans, which permit borrowers to repay the credit over a longer period of time. Payday loans might be more expensive for borrowers that have a good reputation for high debt-to-income ratios or any other financial difficulties. Some lenders may report payday cash advances to credit agencies, potentially damaging the borrower's credit rating and making it more difficult to access credit down the road. e-transfer payday loans canada odsp Payday lenders can also report delinquent borrowers to credit reporting agencies, potentially damaging their credit ratings and making it more difficult to allow them to access credit in the foreseeable future. Borrowers should only borrow around they can repay, and may not rely on payday cash advances as a regular method to obtain credit. Some states require payday loans online instant lenders to offer repayment plans or any other alternatives to borrowers who are struggling to repay the loan on time. Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts into a single, more manageable loan with a lower interest rate plus much more favorable repayment terms. Some payday lenders may necessitate borrowers to supply a copy of the visa and other immigration documentation as a way to approve the money.